Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Podcasting and voki's

It was very interesting to find out what podcasts actually are in today's tutorial. I have heard a lot about them and knew that they were related to itunes but I wasn't actually sure of their purpose.

Podcasts could be used in many ways in the classroom but I particularly thought itunesu would be great to use for students to do museum and gallery tours without having to leave the classroom as not every school has access to these places. I also think it would be good for small groups or even individuals in the classroom to make podcasts of certain topics such as what happened on their excursion or class trip.

I think voki's are wonderful! I can just imagine how much fun kids would have with them in a classroom as I had fun playing around with it myself. They could be used to introduce children to a topic and really engage them. They would suit many different learning styles from Gardner's Multiple Intelligences as well. Children could also create a voki of a character they have come across in a book they have just read. The character profile could be created to demonstrate what they believe the character would look like and sound like.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, I enjoyed reading your post. I loved how you said that students can work together or own their own, as this caters for learning preferences. Had you thought of using podcasts with reading sessions. I found on iTunes students giving a book report, but as an interview. One student would ask questions and the other would answer. This is great as it helps promote and develop listening and speaking skills, planning and organising skills and as you mentioned before collaborative work. Cheers,
