Saturday, July 31, 2010

The power of Powerpoint!

I have been involved in using powerpoint for a long time, even in primary school I can remember sitting in the computer lab having a play around with powerpoint. I used it all through high school and in my university courses. However, it wasn't until I began this course that I really found out how much you can really do in powerpoint!

When using powerpoint I mostly used it to support the presentation I was giving and admittedly it could often be very boring. Not anymore!! I have learnt how to add your own audio to a powerpoint presentation which would be really engaging in the classroom. You can even add the audio so that when you click on an image it makes a sound. Powerpoint could also be used by students to create a document that displays some results or even a photo story. For example let's say that students in a classroom were doing a science investigation on making a terrarium. They could take photos throughout the investigation and put it on their powerpoint and have audio on there to support the pictures and explain what happened during the investigation.


  1. I agree with what you have discussed here Laura!! I was never aware of all the different things that you could do on powerpoint. I was well aware of powerpoint and I knew how to use it to create presentations, however this tool can be sued for so many more uses to engage students in their learning.

    I could ask the students to record all of their findings and progress towards the complete product of a technology project or a science experiment. Then students could create a powerpoint presentation with their findings, voice over recordings, and images to express their understanding and reflection on the task at hand.

    I believe this would be a great learnig tool to enhance students learning in the classroom, through use of visual, auditory and written aspects students can be catered for in all ways and allow for learning to occur through all learning styles.

    I love the ideas that you have here too Laura!! It has taken this course to make me aware of the amount of ICT tools out there and their effectiveness on students learning.

  2. Powerpoint would also caterfor individual and collaborative learning. Thinking about the engagement theory and collaborative theory, these theories are both catered for with the use of powerpoint in students' learning. Gardner also comes into play as his multiple intelligences can also be taught and used throughout using powerpoint as the ICT tool for learning.

  3. Thank you for your comments Kirsti they are very valid and you make many good points. I especially like your idea for students to use powerpoint to record findings and progress towards the complete product of a technology project. That would be a very engaging way to record results instead of just writing them into a table or graph. It would also be useful for the visual-spatial learners from Gardners Multiple Intelligences.

    I have also stated it would be useful for science experiments just as you have. Great minds think alike!

  4. I found that the assessments the learning manager can create over Power Point to be very authentic. They cater for a wide range of students, especially in visual and cater modes.
